Archive for emo myspace layouts

Emo Layouts are HOT

Posted in Emo Graphics, emo layouts, myspace layouts with tags , , , , , , , , , on September 3, 2008 by emolayouts

That’s right, hot. On, the best site for free myspace layouts, the category “emo myspace layouts” is one of the top categories. They have a complicated algorithm for deciding which categories are the most popular, and it results in a little “hot!” icon next to the name. Well, emo layouts are officially hot. Check out the ones that are the most popular:

Leona Lewis says it best

Leona Lewis says it best

Emily the Strange, great emo character

Emily the Strange, great emo character

Let Me Cry Emo Quote

Let Me Cry Emo Quote

Emo Layouts

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on January 14, 2008 by emolayouts

The Official Emo Layouts Blog for is right here.

We love to get our layout designers good and depressed and then set them loose creating the best emo backgrounds on the web. No happy rainbows and fuzzy bunnies in our Myspace Emo Layouts category, only the really good dark stuff.

What kind of dark, sad emo layouts do we have? Here are a few examples, the rest can obviously be found at, we have over 50 emo layouts to choose from.

Emo Flower Layout


